About Tartarian Truthers

The Tartarian Truthers YouTube channel came to be when Casey & JoJo met each other on Instagram due to their keen interest in Australia's unbelievable history and the Tartaria theory. Within a few weeks of releasing their first video 'A Brief History of Australia' the subs were rolling in, the feedback was great and the trolls were minimal. They knew that they were onto a good thing and in the 10 months since Tartarian Truthers was born Casey & JoJo have worked tirelessy to ensure that their research is thorough and their episodes are fun and informative. In the meantime they have incidentally created a community of keen eyed Tartarian Truthers who are now scouring the streets of their home towns and cities looking for oddities and anomalies. And they all have one thing in common; they agree that Australian history is a lie!  


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